About Maa DhumaVati

Maa DhumaVati Is The Ninth Maa MahaVidya

The Divine Mother Maa DhumaVati: The Divine Blessing In Disguise

The Divine Mother Maa Maha Kaali As Maa DhumaVati Is Revered As The Embodiment Of Divine Blessings In Disguise. The Dark, Shadowy, And Smoky Depiction Of Maa DhumaVati Symbolizes the dark and challenging aspects of life. The Divine Mother Is Ever-Present, In all auspicious moments And In Situations that are often considered inauspicious, unfortunate, or negative by the society due to lack of wisdom. Maa DhumaVati Guides deserving devotees to realize that adversity and challenges are transformative experiences. By The Blessings Of Maa DhumaVati, deserving devotees are Enabled to recognize The Presence Of The Divine Mother In both the light and darkness of life. 

Maa DhumaVati Symbolizes the challenging aspects of life, including disappointment, frustration, humiliation, defeat, loss, sorrow, and loneliness. These experiences can overpower ordinary minds, but for sincere seekers and devotees, they serve as unique opportunities to connect with the reality that surpasses worldly desires. Recognizing The Presence Of The Great Cosmic Wisdom Expression Of The Divine Mother And The Valuable Lessons Hidden Within these negative experiences, Is A Great Blessing Of Maa DhumaVati Upon the devotees. Maa DhumaVati Bestows virtues such as patience, perseverance, forgiveness, and detachment upon those courageous devotees who embrace these experiences. By The Blessings Of Maa DhumaVati devotees transform into great teachers for humanity.

Maa DhumaVati Is The Great Cosmic Wisdom Expression Guiding deserving devotees to become ever-aware Of Divine Impermanence

Nothing in this universe is permanent; all labels and names are subject to change. Material existence and human experiences are transient. Maa DhumaVati Guides deserving devotees towards perpetual awareness of life’s impermanence. The Blessings Of Maa Dhumavati Enables devotees to:

  • transcend limited perceptions of reality.
  • embrace the deeper truths of existence’s impermanent nature.
  • renounce worldly desires, egoic pursuits, and the fear of loss.
  • navigate life’s ever-changing drama with calmness and spiritual resilience.

The Symbolism Of The Divine Depiction Maa DhumaVati Guides deserving devotees to cultivate a sense of detachment from egoic pursuits and all things worldly. Maa DhumaVati Blesses deserving devotees to attain spiritual liberation, As She Chooses.

Myths About The Emergence Of Maa DhumaVati

There are two Myths associated With The Emergence Of Maa DhumaVati.

According to the first Myth, Maa DhumaVati Emerged When Maa Sati Self-Immolated In Her father’s sacrificial fire. Maa DhumaVati Emerged From The Smoke That Rose From Maa Sati’s Burning Body, Thus Embodying Both The Energy Of The Indignant Maa Sati At The Time Of Her Self-Immolation And The Funeral Smoke. This Myth Portrays Maa DhumaVati As A Continuation Of Maa Sati – Sad, Mournful And Manifested As smoke.

The second Myth recounts an incident Where Maa Sati, Residing With lord shiva In the himalayas, Grew Extremely Hungry And Asked him For food. When lord shiva refused, Maa Sati Threatened To Consume him, And She Indeed Swallowed him. However, lord shiva convinced Maa Sati To Release him, and then transformed Maa Sati Into The Widow Form As Maa DhumaVati. In this Myth, Maa DhumaVati Is Associated With lord shiva And Signifies The Assertiveness Of Maa Sati. Maa Sati’s Aggression Is Portrayed When lord shiva denies Maa Sati’s Request, Leading Her To Consume Him. In this myth Maa DhumaVati Symbolizes the state of widowhood But Also self-assertion and the solitariness that can lead to spiritual liberation. 

Temple for worship Of Maa DhumaVati in varanasi 

Temples for worship Of Maa DhumaVati are rare but the most well-known is in varanasi, india. In This “Maa DhumaVati Temple”, The Idol for the worship Of Maa DhumaVati Is Depicted In A Widow Form, Riding A Chariot And Holding A Winnowing Basket, A Broom, And A Pot, While Making The Abhaya Mudra (the fear-not gesture). At this temple, devotees bring offerings burnt in a smoky fire or light incense to ensure there is ample smoke in the temple. Devotees and worshippers also offer smoke from cremation fires as it signifies destruction. They worship Maa DhumaVati In The Form Of Smoke, Freely Moving And All-Pervasive.

It is said that The “Maa DhumaVati Temple” in varanasi was established long ago by the sage dhurvasa. The temple is believed to be A “Shakti Pitha” In Reverence To A Divine Part Of Maa Sati’s Body, Which Descended Upon this place. This temple is famous for worship by renunciants and tantric practitioners. The Blessings Of Maa DhumaVati Instills a desire for solitude in Her sincere devotees. 

The temple is also regularly visited by married men and women, who seek Maa DhumaVati’s Grace And Blessings For their children, good fortune, suitable marriage partners for their children, success in various endeavors, and so on. Among the local worshippers, Maa DhumaVati Is Revered As The Approachable Divine Mother Who Is The Divine Guardian Of the village. For these local temple goers, Maa DhumaVati Is Not The Divine Mother Of the inauspicious aspect of life, Who Is Only Accessible to tantric adepts. Instead, they worship Maa DhumaVati As The Benevolent, Accessible, And Auspicious Divine Mother. Similar praises Of Maa DhumaVati Are Also Evident In the “Thousand-Name hymn” for the worship Of Maa DhumaVati, Where Maa DhumaVati Is Depicted Making Gestures Of granting boons, Dwelling Among women who worship Her, And Blesses sincere devotees With children.

Meditation On Maa DhumaVati

The worship Of Maa DhumaVati Enables letting go of all thoughts and entering the deep silence Of The Unknown. To meditate On Maa DhumaVati, one should shift attention away from the outer appearances of things and recognize The OmniPresence Of The Divine Mother In all of existence. This means not focusing on the visible boundaries of objects, but instead noticing the space that surrounds them. It also involves letting go of labels, opinions, likes, and dislikes.

When meditating On Maa DhumaVati, it’s important to remember that everything is temporary and always changing. One should detach from the familiar, stop chasing worldly concerns bound by time, and develop a deep sense of disillusionment and detachment from the apparent. By The Blessings Of Maa DhumaVati, deserving devotees attain realization Of The True Self. Maa DhumaVati Blesses worthy devotees With the ability to see sorrow and disappointment as Divine Blessings That Teach About the limits of the body and mind.

The yantra for the meditation and worship Of Maa DhumaVati

The Sacred Yantra for the worship Of Maa DhumaVati, Symbolizes The Blessings Of Maa DhumaVati.

The Sacred Yantra for the worship Of and meditation On Maa DhumaVati Is Composed Of triangle with a dot (bindu) in the center, which sits inside a six sided star, bordered by a circle and sits on top of a lotus flower which has eight petals all of which are inside a square structure.

Concentrating on the Sacred Yantra can guide in acquiring a sincere and single-pointed mind for meditation On The Divine Mother Maa DhumaVati.


Maa DhumaVati Reveals the imperfect, temporary, and bewildering nature of ordinary egoic existence, Guiding devotees to transcend these limitations. By The Blessings Of Maa DhumaVati, deserving devotees attain the ability to embrace adversity with virtues like patience, perseverance, forgiveness, and detachment, turning challenges into opportunities for growth. Symbolizing the smoky and shadowy aspects of the temporary world, Maa DhumaVati Liberates the Blessed devotees from being attached to superficial joys.

The sincere worship Of Maa DhumaVati Enables devotees to realize that adversity can build character and enable spiritual growth. By honoring challenging experiences As Divine Blessings, Blessed devotees and seekers can attain profound knowledge About The Ultimate Reality and realization Of The True Self, Leading to spiritual liberation.