About Maa Kali

The journey towards transcendence begins with Maa Kaali, The First Maa MahaVidya And The Dynamic Aspect Of The Ultimate Reality.
Maa Kaali Is The Devourer Of time. And As The Divine Mother Of Dissolution Of time And Of death and destruction, Maa Kaali Imparts The Great Wisdom Related to transformation. While Pervading all manifested duality, She Remains Beyond it, In non-duality, And Teaches How To transform the lower ego-based self by detaching from all things transient and worldly.

The Origin Myth Associated With Maa Kaali

Maa Kali Is The First Maa MahaVidya Form Of Maa Maha Kaali And The Dynamic Divine Power Of The Ultimate Reality. Maa Kali Is The Devourer Of kaal (time). As The Divine Mother Of time, death, and destruction, Maa Kali Imparts The Great Cosmic Wisdom Related to transformation. Maa Kali Teaches deserving devotees How To transform the ego-based self by detaching from all things transient and worldly.

The earliest mentions of the worship Of Maa Maha Kaali dates back to pre-vedic times where The Divine Fierce Form Of Maa Maha Kaali was worshipped As The Destroyer Of evil And The Protector Of the righteous

The earliest mentions of the worship Of Maa Maha Kaali can be traced back to the pre-vedic times, approximately around 600 C.E. During this time, Maa Maha Kaali Was Often Associated With warfare and battles. References To Maa Maha Kaali are found in the atharva veda, where Maa Maha Kaali Is Associated With The Darker Aspects Of life, such as death and destruction. However, even in these early mentions, Maa Maha Kaali Is Revered As A Protective Force. The Depiction Of Maa Maha Kaali’s Fierce Form Symbolizes the destruction of evil and the protection of the righteous.

The Divine Mother Of the universe Protects devotees in distress

After being usurped by the demons shumbha and nishumbha when the gods prayed To The Divine Mother, The Divine Mother Appears To Destroy the demons

According to one allegory In Chapter 7 Of The Holy Text Of _“The Devi Mahatmya”_, Maa Maha Kaali Emerged On the battlefields of the battle against the demons shumbha and nishumbha. 

Long ago, two arrogant asuras, shumbha and nishumbha, usurped lord indra’s dominion over the three worlds, causing the gods to lose their power. As The Divine Mother Of the universe Promised To Arrive To Protect Whenever invoked during times of distress, the gods praised and invoked The Divine Mother For Protection.

The Divine Mother Manifested Herself In A Magnificent Divine Form And Made the himalayas Her Place Of Dwelling. The Divine Mother’s Unparalleled Beauty Attracted the attention of chanda and munda, the two servants of shumbha and nishumbha. They concluded that since their masters had already stolen everything valuable from the gods, they should possess “This Most Beautiful Devi” as well.

When the battle began, the demons chanda and munda were sent to fight and retrieve The Divine Mother. As The Divine Mother Observed them and their vast army approaching, She Scowled, And From Her Furrowed Brow, The Fierce Divine Form Of Maa Maha Kaali Emerged And Annihilated the demon forces.

Maa Maha Kaali Emerges To Slay the demons chanda and munda And Is Revered As “Maa Chamunda”

This battle symbolizes the subduing and humbling of the exaggerated ego and intense desires, and overcoming false self-importance and delusions.

“The Devi Mahatmya” in Chapter 7 describes the allegorical battle where The Divine Mother Of the universe Emerges In Her Fierce And Formidable Form As Maa Maha Kaali, Slays the asuras chanda and munda, And Is Revered As Maa Chamunda.

“‘Because You Have Overpowered chanda and munda And Delivered them To Me, You, O Devi, Shall Henceforth Be Known In the world As Maa Chamunda.’”

– Chapter 7, Verse 27 Of The Devi Mahatmya

chanda and munda, the servants of the asura brothers shumbha and nishumbha who had dispossessed the gods, seizing sovereignty over the three worlds, symbolize those deformities of the ego that exaggerate our ego’s sense of importance, power, or reputation, leading to a tendency to boast or make oneself appear greater than they are. They also symbolize the arousing or provoking intense desire that stimulate or evoke lustful feelings. In these asuras we recognize our ego’s sense of false self, and the delusions and desires attached to it. By The Blessings Of Maa Chamunda, the deserving devotees Are Guided to attain the strength to subdue and humble the ego by overcoming these aspects of it.

In the battle against the demons shumbha and nishumbha, Maa Maha Kaali As Maa Chamunda Destroys the demon raktabija, Symbolizing the destruction of the incessant desires of the ego driven mind

Later in the battle, Maa Maha Kaali As Maa Chamunda Also Destroyed the demon raktabija. The description Of The Destruction Of raktabija is provided in Chapter 8 Of “The Devi Mahatmya”.

Maa Chamunda Slays the demon raktabija By Drinking all his blood. raktabija was the demon whose blood had replicative ability, symbolizing the almost unstoppable power of desire that stems from the ego. Such desire never remains satisfied, and the more it is served, the more it grows.

The Depiction Of Maa Chamunda Lapping Up the flow of raktabija’s blood, Symbolizes that desire is best dealt with before it gets out of hand. Here Maa Chamunda’s Destructive Power Manifests As A Protective Force, Which By Ceasing chitta-vrittis, Enables the realization Of The True Self. Maa Chamunda Grants Her deserving devotees the passage from the relative To The Absolute.

Maa Maha Kaali The Supreme Divine Mother Of the universe is recognised  With Many Divine Forms worshipped by devotees And Many Holy “Names” Through Which the devotees praise The Divine Mother Maa Maha Kaali

It is important to understand that Maa Maha Kaali Is Not Merely An Emanation Of The Divine Mother, Maa Maha Kaali Is The Supreme Divine Mother Herself With Many Divine Forms.

Maa Maha Kaali Is One, The Formless Absolute Divine Mother Of the universe worshipped by devotees In Many Divine Forms. 

As The Ten Transcendental Forms Of The Divine Mother Maa Maha Kaali, The Maa Das MahaVidya Signify The Ten Supreme Cosmic Wisdom That Guide deserving devotees towards the ultimate goal of one’s spiritual life. 

The Maa Das MahaVidya Are:

Maa Kali, Maa Tara, Maa TripuraSundari (Maa Shodashi), Mata Bhuvaneshwari, Maa Bhairavi, Maa BagalaMukhi, Maa ChinnaMasta, Maa Matangi, Mata DhumaVati, Maa Kamala.

The Divine Mother Maa Maha Kaali Blesses the deserving  devotees With spiritual advancement through the learning and internalization Of The Supreme Cosmic Wisdom Teachings Imparted By Maa Das MahaVidya.

Maa Kali As The First Maa MahaVidya Form  

Maa Maha Kaali From The Ten Cosmic Wisdom Forms recognised As “Das Maa MahaVidya” by tantrics, yogis and many communities

Maa Kali Is The First Maa MahaVidya Or The Great Cosmic Wisdom Expression Of Maa Maha Kaali.

Maa Kali Blesses Her sincere devotees With Self-Relization By Separating them from ego And Detaching them from the layers of samsara, so that they can find The Divine Truth and see The Divine Light.

Maa Kali As The Divine Mother Of time (kaal) And The Divine Destroyer Of the material world, Imparts Wisdom Regarding the cyclical nature of existence and the transcendence of worldly illusions.

In tantric practices, seeking The Blessings Of Maa Kali marks the starting point for sadhakas (spiritual practitioners) as they delve into The Deeper Mysteries Of The Great Cosmic Wisdom Imparted By The Maa Das MahaVidyas. The sincere worship Of Maa Kali Provides a means to confront and overcome one’s deepest fears, ignorance, and worldly attachments stemming from the ego. By meditating On Maa Kali, tantrics and sadhakas seek to attain liberation (moksha) and a profound understanding Of The Cosmic Play Of Creation And Destruction.

Symbolism In The Depiction Of Maa Kali Impart Profound Wisdom About how to vanquish the ego Upon deserving devotees who worship The Divine Mother With utmost sincerity

Mantra for the worship Of Maa Maha Kaali:

“Om Krim Maa KaliKaye Namah”

Devotees chant this mantra for the worship Of Maa Maha Kaali to seek Her Protection And The Blessings Of transformation. 

The Symbolism Of The Depiction Of Maa Kali As A Divine Form Of Maa Maha Kaali Conveys Profound Wisdom. The Black Or Dark Blue Complexion That Maa Kali Is Depicted In Signifies The Infinite Void And The Primordial Darkness From Which all creation arises And Into Which it eventually dissolves. The skull Maa Kali Is Depicted Holding Symbolizes the vanquished ego, And Maa Kali’s Protruding Red Tongue Symbolizes the destruction of the incessant desires of the ego.

Despite The Fearsome Depiction Of Maa Kali, The Divine Mother Is Revered As Deeply Compassionate. Maa Kali Is The Divine Mother Who Fiercely Protects Her Children, Destroying anything that threatens their spiritual progress. Devotees approach Maa Kali with utmost devotion, awe, and Reverence, seeking Blessings For strength, protection, and liberation.

Maa Maha Kaali Is Depicted With Her Lovely Red Protruding Tongue, Imparting The Wisdom That The Divine Mother Can Set whom She Wills free from chronic incessant desires of the ego

As per Myth described in “The Devi Mahatmya”, The Divine Mother Maa Maha Kaali Slays the demon raktabija. Raktabija was the demon whose each drop of blood produced another demon, symbolizing the incessant desires stemming from the ego that keep us bound to the samsara. These desires are never satisfied for long. The more they are fulfilled, the more they increase. Maa Maha Kaali Devoured all the drops of raktabija’s blood and thereafter Killed the demon raktabija, Liberating his soul from the body.

Thus, Maa Maha Kaali Is Depicted With Her Lovely Red Protruding Tongue, Imparting The Wisdom That The Divine Mother Can Set whom She Wills free from chronic incessant desires of the ego.


Emerging As The First Maa MahaVidya Form Of Maa Maha Kaali, Maa Kali Embodies Divine Fierceness And Compassion, Guiding And Enabling deserving devotees to seek and realize The Truth Of Creation, Preservation, And Destruction. The sincere worship Of Maa Kali Enables seekers to  transform their lives by receiving Blessings and detaching from all that is transitory and realizing The Eternal And The Absolute.