
Mata Ganga Jayanti falls on the seventh day of the month of vaishakha’s first fortnight. This year “Mata Ganga Jayanti” is celebrated on May 14, 2024.

“Devi Sureśvari Bhagavati Gańge TribhuvanaTāriņi Taralatarańge
ŚańkaramauliviHāriņi Vimale Mama Matirāstām Tava PadaKamale”

– Sri Mata Ganga Stotram (1)

O Divine Mother Mata Ganga!
You Are The Divine River From heaven,
You Are The Saviour Of all three worlds,
You Are Pure And Restless,
You Adorn lord shiva’s head. O Mother!
May my mind always rest At Your Lotus Feet.

Mata Ganga, The Divine Mother Of Purification And Forgiveness, Flows In all three worlds And Is Revered As Mata Tripathaga (The Divine Mother Who Travels the three worlds). Personifying The Holy River Ganges, Mata Ganga Descended Upon the earth To Bestow Blessings Upon Her devotees.
Mata Ganga Blesses the deserving devotees With the opportunity to bathe In The Holy Ganges River and immerse the ashes of the dead to wash away all sins and progress on the path to liberation from the cycle of life and death.
Mata Ganga Teaches Her sincere devotees how to control the descent of thoughts in the mind and regulate their flow to cleanse their ego and journey towards the eternal ocean of liberation.